Happy Memories

Created by Gemma one year ago

I spent many evenings with you and Andy and I have so many fond memories....

like the time we were trying to get you out of the house for your surprise 40th but you were trying to give mol calpol because she was ill but we needed her awake as we were all following you there!

Or when you let me and Anna run the garage whilst you were on holidays and it was still standing when you got back :)

and the time you took us in the quattro to McDonald's quick as a flash :) and came up to Manchester and got me a food shop including some posh biscuits which was a big deal when you're a poor student. 

You introduced me to top gear and sold me your Peguot208.

there are many more memories which keep coming back to me....I'm so sorry not to have seen you in recent years but you're part of the fabric of my teenage years xx